The Daily Dose 2/22/11 - Top 10 iRevolt apps and innovations

:^) Tuesday, February 22, 2011 {Vol. 15, # 047} (^8

Laughzilla's Last Link! (Now Up Front!)
People vs. Tyranny (February 22 ,2011)
A cartoon  about democracy taking root by People vs. Tyrants in Araby in January and February 2011 , from laughzilla for

Araby Awakens - Who's Next? (February 13 ,2011)
A cartoon about democracy taking root in Araby in January and February 2011 , from laughzilla for

EGYPT (February 11 ,2011)
A cartoon about  democracy taking over in EGYPT in February 2011 , from laughzilla for

Hosni's Choice (January 29 ,2011)
A cartoon  about Egypt President Hosni Mubarak and his choices for January 2011 , from laughzilla for

Loose E in the Sky with Diamonds (January 27 ,2011)
A cartoon about Loose E in the Sky with Diamonds ! from laughzilla for

In China, it's all about HuTube (January 19 ,2011)
A cartoon about  life in 21st century China: I's all about President Hu-Tube from laughzilla for

Tunisia Ousts Ben-Ali (January 18 ,2011)
A  cartoon about Tunisia revolt against President Ben-Ali from laughzilla for

Funny One Liner:
"You know it's a bad winter for dictators when even Al-Jihadi TV supports the protestors." ~ Yasha Harari

The Daily Dose Joke:
"Top 10 iRevolt apps and innovations"

10. iMob.

9. iRule.

8. facebook Coup.

7. Social Political Networking .

6. idemocracy.

5. iOverthrow.

4. iTweet-YouTube-WeAllMeetForIRevolt.

3. iRevolt.

2. iProtest.

... and the #1 iRevolt yet to be invented is:

1. iLike-Freedom.

Reference: Yasha Harari

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