The Daily Dose 3/22/11 - Top 10 Double Speak Jokes about UNSC Resolution 1973

:^) Tuesday, March 22, 2011 {Vol. 15, # 069} (^8

Laughzilla's Last Link! (Now Up Front!)
Diplomatic Choices
cartoon comic strip featuring possible outcomes of un  security council resolution 1973 regarding libya , from laughzilla for and

Funny One Liner:
"The only certainty in the fog of war is uncertainty." ~ Yasha Harari

The Daily Dose Joke:
"Top 10 Double Speak Jokes about UNSC Resolution 1973"

10) The mission of UN Security Council Resolution 1973 concerning Libya is to protect civilians, implement a no-fly zone, target Gaddafi's offensive capabilities, and not go after Gaddafi.

9) The Arab League fully supports UNSC Resolution 1973, and is against using bombs to implement a no-fly zone.

8) UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon is resolute in demanding concrete actions being taken against Libya, especially not regime change regarding Colonel Khadafi.

7) The United Arab Emirates and Qatar have committed specific unspecified resources to the mission of UNSC Resolution 1973.

6) The international politics of the mission against Libya's Colonel Gaddafy is driven by humanitarian concerns, and not politics.

5) After the US hands over command of the mission against Libya to NATO, NATO will consider the political will of the Arab states, and therefore will not be in charge.

4) French policy vis-a-vis Libya is to show the world that it abhors disproportional use of force and therefore is sending its best bombers and fighter jets to impose its will over Gadaffi and his regime.

3) Great Britain maintains that any outcome in which Kaddafi remains in power is not a victory, and therefore The UK is not going after Colonel Kadafi.

2) America's policy regarding Libya is getting rid of Muamar Gadaffy, protecting civilians in Libya and not toppling the Khadafi regime.

... and the #1 Double Speak Joke about UNSC Resolution 1973 is:

1) This unshakable international mission against Gaddafi could last days, weeks, months, or years, except that it can only last days or weeks until it will be unsustainable in international relations.

Reference: Yasha Harari

Read more:,_2011-03-22,_13:27.html#ixzz1HLw1XhAj
