The Daily Dose 3/24/11 - Top 10 Lady Gaga Col. Gadaffy Coincidences

:^) Thursday, March 24, 2011 {Vol. 15, # 070} (^8

Laughzilla's Last Link! (Now Up Front!)
Fashion Newsmakers
cartoon comic strip featuring a very fashionable fantasy bad romance of  gaddafi and lady gaga , from laughzilla for

Funny One Liner:
"Anonymous sources report that Libya's Muamar Gaddafi is involved in an insiduous international affair ... a very Bad Romance with Lady Gaga. Apparently they share a passion for fashion, and the same stylist." ~ Yasha Harari

The Daily Dose Joke:
"Top 10 Lady Gaga Col. Gadaffy Coincidences"

10) Col. Gaddafi and Lady Gaga made their name with a strong Poker Face.

9) Even under international pressure, both Gaga and Gadaffi Just Dance.

8) Lady Gaga and Muamar Gadafi are both involved with the United Nations.

7) Gadafi and Gaga are both so bad at tennis that they both play a LoveGame.

6) Col. Gadhafi and Lady Gaga are both very hard to reach on the Telephone.

5) There's nothing Lady Gaga or Col. Khadaffi would rather do than just be home Chillin'.

4) After public performances that often last hours, both Lady Gaga and Gadaffi often just murmur Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say).

3) Both Lady Gaga and Col. Gadaffy recently had travel difficulties related to France.

2) Lady Gaga and Col. Gadhafi were both Born This Way.

... and the #1 Lady Gaga Col. Gadaffy Coincidence is:

1) Lady Gaga and Col. Ghaddafi are both constantly under the watchful eye of Paparazzi.

Reference: Yasha Harari

Read more:,_2011-03-24,_11:42.html#ixzz1HZlCmg3I
