The Daily Dose 6/26/11 - Chavez Castro cartoon and Top 10 Caribbean dictator jokes

:^) Sunday, June 26, 2011 {Vol. 15, # 131} (^8

Laughzilla's Last Link! (Now Up Front!)
What Chavez and Castro Love
political cartoon panel of venezuela hugo 
chavez and cuba fidel castro as caribbean dictators who love oogling news line drawing art ink on paper 2011 june 26 , from laughzilla for

Funny One Liner:
"Venezuelan Dictator Hugo Chavez went off the air after being hospitalized in Cuba. Apparently he and Fidel Castro disagreed over what costumes to wear for their next joint rant, or on whose twitter account to distribute their vastly important messages about how great they are." ~ Yasha Harari

The Daily Dose Joke:
"Top 10 Hugo Chavez Fidel Castro dictator jokes"

10) Hugo Chavez shows Fidel Castro a funny joke on the internet, and the Cuban Cigar Chief laughs so hard he imprisons the poster in dementia.

9) Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez. Proof that looks aren't everything.

8) Michael Moore loves Fidel Castro's Cuba so much, he made a movie glorifying its failed Socialism, and has not yet moved there.

7) Barack Obama doesn't lose sleep over being compared to Hugo Chavez, because he doesn't even have a red beret.

6) Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro are the Abbott and Costello of Caribbean Dictators, always miscommunicating when discussing Who's on first on American television.

5) You can make a dictator pull out of his position, but he'll still be a jerk in the morning.

4) Left wing liberals love Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro, because of their terrific Social programs and clever quips on twitter.

3) It's not easy being Hugo Chavez. First, you have to rail against America, and second, you have to smell Fidel Castro's breath all too often.

2) Chavez is to legitimate political power as Castro is to trendy wardrobe.

... and the #1 Hugo Chavez Fidel Castro dictator joke is:

1) From the Chavez and Castro point of view, it's good to be the dictator.

Reference: Yasha Harari

Read more:,_2011-06-26,_09:42.html#ixzz1QOWJEDuC
