The Daily Dose 10/23/11 - Book titles cartoon and top 10 book titles jokes

Book titles book cover editorial cartoon and Top 10 literary prejudice  jokes
“Occupy Wall Street and its offshoot movements are yet to publish a book because they believe that in order for it to be morally good, it can’t actually be written by anyone.” — Yasha Harari

“Top 10 book titles jokes”
10. Social Media: Don’t buy this book. Get it free from your online friends. 
9. Capitalism: How to save money by not buying this book.
8. Internet: Improve your vision by reading this book printed on paper, rather than reading it on the Internet.
7. Quick Draw: The graphically illustrated guide to paintings and drawings in a non-visual format.
6. Competition: This book kicks the butt of every other book around it.
5. Haiku: This book is for you. It’s true. It’s full of haiku. You know you want to.
4. Politics: The Encyclopedia book of Honest Politicians featuring Honest Abe, and that’s pretty much it. 
3. Business: Forget the Prophets. Remember the Profits.
2. Iambic Pentameter: The book that you now hold in your own hands, is not available in many lands.
… and the #1 book titles joke  is:
1. Assumption: The book of things you thought you knew, but didn’t.
Reference: Yasha Harari for

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